Regular Commissions
- Initial Consultation (optional): $30
- Hourly Rate: $35
Stream Sketches
- 60 minute sketch: $40
- 90 minute sketch: $60
- 2 hour session: $80
Add-ons can be attached to any of the commissions above. Add-ons require approval and might not be allowed for every commission.
- 500-800 word story: $25, delivered separately.
- Teasy censored alt (for gore/disposal): $5.
Fill out a
commission form
(direct link:
And/or send me a message through any of the following platforms:
- Aryion,
- Itaku,
- Inkbunny,
- Furaffinity,
- Weasyl,
- Mastodon,
- Bluesky,
- Signal (foxyoreos.66), or
- Subscribestar.
Terms and Conditions
General Terms
Commissions all come with the following terms:
- You are free to post the finished piece on any social site. You do not need to wait for me to post the piece publicly.
- I am also free (but not required) to post the finished piece on any of my social sites, including on Subscribestar. This is important as it allows me to share examples of my work with potential clients. If you would like me to keep a piece fully private, let me know in advance: I charge double rates for fully private pieces.
- If you would like to use the piece commercially (in a stream/game/writing-commission) or edit it, let me know and we'll discuss an additional fee. Commercial commissions include source files (Krita/Blender) so that you can separate lines from colors, use transparencies, etc.
- Finished pieces, thumbnails, and sketches may NOT be used for the purposes of AI training, fine-tuning, labeling, or within a LoRA. Finished pieces, thumbnails, sketches, and check-ins may not be modified by AI or Incorporated into AI works. If the commissioner does modify an unfinished piece with AI, commissioner agrees to both destroy the modified work and pay the remaining commission price based on a good faith estimate of the remaining time left on the piece.
- Finished pieces must never be mis-attributed (ie, don't claim that you drew the thing X3).
- You agree that if additional time, discounts, or extras are supplied with a piece, they do not form an expectation that they will be supplied for any future commission. Additional bonus time, polishing work, censors, or stories are provided soley at my discression on a case-by-case basis and should not be expected or requested for future pieces.
- You agree that changes or ideas may be declined if they they conflict with my content rules or make me uncomfortable in any way.
Commission Pawcess
Each commission should start with you contacting me to go over your idea so we can estimate the scope together.
- For large ideas (greater than 6-8 hours) or ideas are not fully fleshed out, I may (at my discression) request for us to do a thumbnail planning stage before starting. These are $30 and last on average around 1-2 hours if done live (these may also be done over messaging clients over the course of a few days). During this session, I'll get more info from you and send you several doodles of potential layouts and go over potential ideas until we solidify on a layout and details that work for you.
- Regardless of whether we do or don't do a thumbnail stage, I'll estimate the maximum number of hours I think I need to complete your piece, or scope down your piece to fit within the maximum number of hours you'd like to budget for it. From there, what happens depends on whether you'd like a streaming session or an off-stream commission.
Commission Pawcess: Off-Stream Commissions ($35 per hour)
Drawn off-stream (or on-stream when time-permits) over multiple drawing sessions.
- Before starting, 1/2 of the estimated cost is due up-front. This is non-refundable. All times are rounded up to the nearest hour. If a piece is 3 hours or less, the full amount will be due up-front.
- Check-ins can be set up at the commissioner's requested rate, but I default to (and encourage) roughly once-a-week check-ins. This prevents surprises and gives the commissioner more opportunities to see how a piece is going.
- Once a commissioner is happy with the final result, the remaining payment for hours worked is due (rounded up to the nearest hour). Unworked hours will not be charged. In other words, if a piece is estimated to take 6 hours and it only takes 5 hours to draw, you will only be billed for 5 hours.
- The initial time estimate will not be exceeded except by the commissioner's explicit request. Requests that change the scope of a piece may be declined if I don't feel I can fit them into the estimated time. Additional hours can be added on request. Large scope changes may be declined or may cause a piece to be delayed if my schedule is too busy to fit them in.
Commission Pawcess: Streamed Time Slots ($40 per hour)
Streamed Commissions are very similar to normal commissions, but they are drawn in a single session live on-stream. This allows the commissioner to watch the piece get drawn, and to offer real-time feedback, suggestions, and requests as the piece is drawn. The full time slot is available for you to make use-of - if you request 2 hours and I finish your described piece in 1 hour, you can still request anything you'd like for the remaining hour.
- Payment for the time requested is due up-front and is non-refundable.
- Only the paid-for time is guaranteed. Additional time may be added only at my discretion. If additional time is added, this is not a guarantee or indication that additional time will be added to any future piece.
- Content rules apply for the duration of the commission. Requests to add or change details in ways that I'm uncomfortable with will be refused.
- Ideas that I think are too complicated to complete in a given time-frame will be refused or will require simplification.
- Be fun and flexible. Every timed sketch is an experiment, sometimes they go in unexpected directions. Often I'm required to make quick decisions to obscure details, change poses, or finalize decisions quickly. You will get a better result if you roll with the chaos instead of trying to control every aspect of it.
- At the same time, don't be afraid to ask for suggestions and changes or let me know your thoughts. You can be as experimental as you'd like, you can pivot a piece halfway through it. The advantage of seeing a piece drawn live is that you can interject what you're thinking at any point.
- Deliverables for timed sketches are generally sent out within 24 hours of finishing the stream.
Addons: Writing and Censors
- Alt versions of pieces with gore/scat censored using teasey descriptions can be requested for $5.
- A 600-800 word description/story can be requested for $25. Story commissions must be approved and may not be offered for every piece (I will only accept story add-ons if I think I'll be able to do a good job writing one).
Signatures, References, and Posts
When I post pieces publicly, let me know how I should refer to you and link to you!
- With rare exceptions, I do not do private commissions unless hourly rates are doubled. Publicly posted commissions are how I grow as an artist.
- Pieces may however be anonymously attributed at the commissioner's request.
- Let me know any socials that you'd like me to link to.
- Let me know what username you'd like me to use for signing the piece and referencing you in the description.
- Let me know any other concerns you have. If you are sex-averse or only prefer endo/reformation vore, let me know so I can keep comments under the piece respectful of your preferences. Like to be teased? Let me know so I can encourage them to be even hornier X3
- You are encouraged (but not required) to post pieces you recieve publicly, even before I have posted them. This increases my art's reach to new audiences and helps me find additional commissioners. It also encourages my audience to pay attention to commissioners and follow them to get earlier access to my art.
Content Restrictions
Available body types, poses, and anatomy
- Both feral and anthropomorphic preds/prey
- Furries, dragons, scalies
- Smaller prey
- Humanoid and animal genitalia
- Internal views
- Tentacles/Ovipositors
- Hands/paws/wings
- Dynamic/action poses
- Mawshots
- Butt shots and genital presentation (including during disposal)
Things I WILL do:
- Vore (obviously :3)
- SFW/non-vore/general pieces
- Oral, anal, and vaginal vore
- Both willing and unwilling vore
- Eager prey, predator/prey relationships, wholesome vore/sex/scenarios (both SFW and NSFW)
- Fatal vore (see restrictions below)
- Reformation, full-tour, safekeeping, regurgitation
- Soul vore, permavore, sentient fat/disposal
- Melty digestion, stomach acid and acid burns, crushing, drowning in stomach acid, painful deaths, general cruelty
- Belching, (mild) farting
- Cum, femcum, saliva, saliva strings, bodily fluids (see restrictions below)
- Scared/crying/horrified prey
- Disposal/bones (in stomach, poop, or regurgitated)
- Scat (see restrictions below)
- NSFW, sex, and sexualized situations (vaginal, oral, and anal sex, frotting, knotting, kissing, masturbation, etc)
- Cunnilingus, anilingus (if ass is clean)
- Rape/noncon/hypnosis
- Cruel/teasy/casual/smug preds (see restrictions below)
- UwU speak/teasing/cutsey preds
- Bondage/restraining (prey or partners)
- Sharing prey/couple vore
- Mouth play, tongue play, sex with prey inside, using prey as sex toys
- YCH/OC scenarios (please send a ref sheet or example pics)
Things I WON'T Do:
- Underage characters (even if non-sexualized)
- Loli
- Human preds (see human prey below)
- Non-stylized/excessive gore
- Anything that comes across to me as racist, transphobic, or otherwise bigoted, or anything that feels problematic to me in any way.
- Realistic depictions or advocacy for live-feeding (esp snakes and rodents)
- Predators/prey eating or touching scat
- Excessive non-stylized saliva or bodily fluids (realistic saliva grosses me out a lot)
- Ingesting saliva in any scenario
- Ingesting bodily fluids like cum/femcum in any form except for straight from the source ;3
- Drinking milk/breastfeeding
- Excessive farting or over-excessive burping
- Messy stomachs (remains of previous prey may be an exception)
- Sweaty paws
- Anything else that grosses me out
Things I MIGHT Do:
Depending on my comfort with the scenario and whether I think that I can deliver a good piece. There are some subjects I have no issue drawing but that aren't my specialty.
- Human prey (esp paired with monster preds/wolves)
- role reversal
- same size/smaller preds
- Macro/micro
- Herbavore preds
- Paw worship
- Urinating (inc marking)
- Cock vore
- Hyper
- Hard vore (in rare situations)
Notes on cruel and fatal vore:
I draw a lot of cruel vore (and you should commission it X3c), but I do have hard-to-define areas and triggers that can make fatal/cruel vore unpalatable to me. When fatal vore crosses these lines it can get under my skin and I'm more likely to turn down a commission request.
- Overly-sympathetic fatal preds
- Preds trying to empathize or connect to prey that they're about to kill or acting like they respect the prey.
- Prey being asked to understand or excuse predation or sympathize with the predator.
- Circle-of-life talk ("everybody's got to eat" or "we're all part of this together").
- Prey being forced to accept their fate or asked to relax.
- "It's complicated"/"Just a fact of life" talk. Don't have your pred try to justify what they're doing.
When in doubt, if a prey is being killed, lean into it :3 Make the pred cruel. You are much less likely to gross me out with a monstrous pred than with a pred that you're trying to make empathetic or kind. Killing any sapient/intelligent creature for food isn't kind, so have fun with it X3 Be teasey, maximize the horror that the prey is feeling, let your predators enjoy themselves~
And remember the golden rule: if in doubt, just ask! I know that my hangups around fatal vore might not be intuitive, so if you have an idea you're not sure about it's OK to run it past me.
Notes on saliva and bodily fluids
Real-life bodily fluids gross me out a lot. I can separate between fiction and reality when I'm drawing because I think of the fluids in my pictures more abstractly. Fluids are fine to request, but I may be more restrictive about how they're drawn and I may turn down requests that I think might make it hard for me to maintaint that suspension. Take a look at my galleries to get a sense for the fluid styles and scenarios I typically do.